Friday, May 4, 2007

A specific cause and effect

Now I will specify a particular cause, namely emissions from factories. Recently, human activity is making a huge mess. Factories produce a lot of greenhouse gasses such as Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Dioxide everyday, which affect the weather by increasing the temperature of the atmosphere. At the same time, the gasses which the factories produce pollute the earth, and harm every single living being on it. As we have seen, those human activities have a bad impact on the earth, animals, plants and even human beings themselves. Let’s assume that the human activity is the main cause of the Global Warming and polluting the environment.

Melting the ice caps is one of the effects of a rising temperature. It seems that it is ok to melt the ice caps but it is a problem indeed. When the ice melts, the sea level rises as a result, which means the coastal area will suffer from huge floods. On the other hand, the life in sea will be affected as well as the human beings. Also the animals that live on those ice caps will go extinct when they have no where else to go. As we can see, the ice caps save the water’s balance on the earth. Which means, no ice caps, no balance.