Friday, May 4, 2007

A specific cause and effect

Now I will specify a particular cause, namely emissions from factories. Recently, human activity is making a huge mess. Factories produce a lot of greenhouse gasses such as Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Dioxide everyday, which affect the weather by increasing the temperature of the atmosphere. At the same time, the gasses which the factories produce pollute the earth, and harm every single living being on it. As we have seen, those human activities have a bad impact on the earth, animals, plants and even human beings themselves. Let’s assume that the human activity is the main cause of the Global Warming and polluting the environment.

Melting the ice caps is one of the effects of a rising temperature. It seems that it is ok to melt the ice caps but it is a problem indeed. When the ice melts, the sea level rises as a result, which means the coastal area will suffer from huge floods. On the other hand, the life in sea will be affected as well as the human beings. Also the animals that live on those ice caps will go extinct when they have no where else to go. As we can see, the ice caps save the water’s balance on the earth. Which means, no ice caps, no balance.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The cause and effect of Global Warming

Global Warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s air. During the last century there was an observation about the Global Warming, and how it is going to effect whether human beings or any other life on this planet. This increase in temperature can cause lots of changes, such as flooding coastal cities, increase the frequency of extreme weather events and melting glaciers.

Global Warming is caused by some gasses which increase the atmosphere’s temperature. Those gasses are; water vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, and Ozone. They are called Greenhouse Gasses. In general, the air’s temperature increases when the rate of those gasses rises more than normal. The research shows that the main cause of the increase in the Greenhouse Gasses rate is the recent human activity.

The increase in the earth’s near-surface temperature can affect the planet badly. There are some records that the ice near the poles is starting to melt which is raising the sea level. Also it causes more extreme weather events. Those climate changes lead to a lot of natural disasters that threaten human life.

In conclusion, Global Warming is a hot area of discussion. Also it is an interesting topic to know about, because it is one of the most dangerous problems that the entire world is facing. Ignoring such a topic like that will increase the problem to critical levels. The scientists are working at the moment to find some solutions to reduce the risk of the Global Warming.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


My name is Abdulla Al-Buainain. I was born in Abu Dhabi, and I was raised in a small town in Abu Dhabi. I come from a big family. I have been studying in Higher Colleges of Technology in my home town for around two years. My major is Business, and I'm studying in the second year with IT students at the moment. I'm half the way towards getting a Higher Diploma. Then i will continue my studies to get a Bachelor of Business which takes about one year "inshalla".

One of my interests is Global Warming, which is such an important topic to know about, because it is a problem that the whole world is facing since the beginning of the last century. Due to my concern about Global Warming my teacher asked me to do a small research about this subject. Global Warming is the cause of the CO2 which is being released by the factories from the whole world. This can be a small definition of Global Warming to start a small report.